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Longqing Southeast (Hainan) Green Building Co., Ltd. signed a contract and participated in the construction of the free trade port

On the morning of April 13th, the centralized signing event for key projects of Hainan Free Trade Port was held at the Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center. Longqing Southeast (Hainan) Green Building Co., Ltd. was invited to attend the ceremony. Mr. Wang Xiaodong, the chairman of the company, attended as a representative of the enterprise and signed the "Hainan Southeast Prefabricated Green Building Industry Base Project" with the government of Lingao County and the management committee of Yangpu Economic Development Zone.

Prefabricated green integrated service provider

The total planned investment for this project is approximately 525 million RMB. The project construction mainly includes but is not limited to a production area for components of prefabricated steel structure green buildings (steel structures, steel truss floor slabs, etc.), a production area for large-span shaped heavy-duty steel components (super high-rise buildings, large-span spatial structures, steel bridges, etc.) and supporting components, a living area (dormitories and canteens), a product display area, and a technology research and development center. After reaching production capacity, the annual output of steel structural components will be 80000 tons (40% of which will be exported), and the area of steel truss floor slabs will be 600000 square meters.

Building Dreams Together, Assembling the Future

This event is hosted by the Hainan Provincial Government and jointly organized by the Hainan Provincial Department of Commerce, the Hainan Provincial State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the Haikou Municipal Government. At the signing ceremony on that day, a total of 106 projects settled in Hainan with a total investment of over 65 billion yuan. This signing is the second batch of key project centralized signing activities in 2021, aiming to promote the landing of a batch of key projects with quality, visibility, and in line with the positioning of the free trade port industry through the centralized signing of key projects, enhance the development level of Hainan's free trade port industry, and promote the high-quality development of the province's economy.

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