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Lingao: Gold Medal Port Prefabricated Building Industrial Park accelerates construction

In 2020, the provincial party committee and government decided to plan and develop a prefabricated building industry cluster in the Jinjin Port Economic Development Zone, with prefabricated buildings as the main body and the entire industry chain including research and development, accessory production, installation, construction, and maintenance.

Since October 2020, Hainan Province has actively guided domestic prefabricated building upstream and downstream enterprises to settle in the park. Many interested enterprises have come to the Gold Medal Port Prefabricated Building Industrial Park for inspection and negotiation. Currently, a number of enterprises such as China Railway Group Co., Ltd., Kangzhuang Housing and Construction Group, Hainan Southeast Prefabricated Green Building, Jiangxi Zhite New Materials Co., Ltd., and Fanlin Prefabricated Building Technology Co., Ltd. have landed and constructed.

Fu Xuejiang, Director of the Command Office of the Lingao Gold Medal Port Park Construction Leadership Group, introduced that since 2021, the Gold Medal Port Park has started construction on four new construction industry projects, including the Kangzhuang Residential and Industrial Prefabricated Building Parts Project and the Hainan Zhite Prefabricated Building and New Materials Industrial Park Project, all of which are planned to be put into trial operation before the end of the year.

Fu Xuejiang introduced that the Gold Medal Port Prefabricated Industrial Park has signed contracts for multiple projects this year, including the Hainan Southeast Prefabricated Green Building Industrial Base Project and the China Construction Research and Development Tropical New Building Industrialization Base Project, and has strengthened negotiations for reserve projects. The county is currently negotiating and promoting a number of projects that meet the industrial positioning of the park and have strong investment intentions, such as China Communications Construction Corporation, China Resources, COFCO, Beijing Construction Engineering Group, and Beijing Huayin Technology.

To promote the construction of the Golden Port Park, Lingao plans to invest over 3 billion yuan in 2022 to improve the park's infrastructure. The project construction includes road network, sewage treatment, water supply network, natural gas pipeline network, planning exhibition hall, comprehensive construction of port and dock infrastructure, fire station, etc.

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